Wedge Barrier 重型車阻器

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Wedge Barrier


• Wedge Barrier是目前最新開發高規格戶外保全車組器的科技產品,通過了歐洲安全測試規範
  PAS 68以及美洲安全測試規範DOS K12 的認證。適合用在發電廠,軍事重地,高危險化工廠房,

• The Wedge Barrier K12 is the newest high security product and certified to PAS 68 and DOS
  K12. One of the big advantages is the shallow foundation and the extremely fast operation
  time. Typical areas of application are research and development centres, power stations,
  industrial plants and military sites. Due to testing and assembly in the factory, the installation
  is very easy. The newest option is the safety skirt, making the Wedge Barrier pedestrian safe
  and usable in urban areas.